At Kasko, they understand that your cats health and happiness depends on a diet which is rich in protein, fat, vitamins and trace elements. Their much loved Chicken recipe has been satisfying family cats for over 35 years with its delicious, wholesome goodness.
Their unique kibbles are formulated using the finest wholesome ingredients and contain 100% of the essential nutrients which your cat requires.
Their meaty kibble contains the optimum level of protein which contributes to proper development and muscle maintenance. The Vegetable Kibble contains trace elements, vitamins and dietary fibres essential for your cat’s wellbeing.
The varied shaped kibbles promote great oral hygiene and healthy teeth.
Added Taurine for sharp vision and healthy heart function
Rich in vitamin A to promote clear healthy eyes and good eyesight
Added Selenium and vitamin E help cell protection & improves your cats immunity defence.
Added zinc, copper and biotin helps towards a shiny coat
Added Manganese to help support healthy cartilage
Ideal ratio calcium – phosphorous for strong bones and teeth