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Red Mills Engage Beef


Premium Country Dog Food

Hard-working dogs need a little more to fulfil their potential.

The Engage line provides extra protein for muscle strength, perfect for dogs who spend their days in the fields and need tailored nutrition to protect their joints and give them the endurance they need to do their jobs joyfully.

Engage will also give them a shiny coat and a wagging tail with a delicious taste and a high-quality recipe.

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Fully balanced for sustained health and vitality, Engage Beef Recipe offers a wholesome 25% meat content. Red Mills’ nutrition experts have developed it for lightly active dogs who enjoy a daily walk and an occasional game of fetch. With beetroot and chicory for fibre, it is highly digestible.

Red Mills’ Engage Beef recipe is a fully balanced diet that provides your dogs with the best of nutrition for sustained health and vitality.

This food is suitable for dogs involved in lighter work, or with lower energy needs. Engage Beef, with a high meat content, offers dogs all the necessary dietary requirements to maintain a good, healthy condition.

The Engage range of dog food contains only the finest ingredients for the benefit of your dogs. Whether it’s walking, flushing, pointing, or setting, Engage will give your dogs just what they need. For fast recovery, sustained energy and optimum endurance, there is a food in the Engage range to suit your dog’s activity.

Ideal For dogs in lighter work, or with lower energy needs.


Maize, Dehydrated Beef Meat, Poultry Fat, Fishmeal, Whole Linseed, Beet Pulp, Natural Digest, Sodium Chloride, Calcium Carbonate, Yeast Extract, Chicory Extract. Meat Content: 25%

Analytical Constituents

Protein 20.0%
Oil 8.0%
Fibre 2.2%
Ash 7.0%
Weight N/A

15kg, 3kg

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